Rosalie Faraone
When I called and introduced myself to Rosalie and asked how she was doing, she said that she has never been through anything like the corona virus before. She said she is tired of staring at the 4 walls and now that the weather is nice she is sitting outside enjoying the sun as much as possible. She said she misses her girlfriends, they used to get together often, but with the current situation she is spending a lot more time talking to her friends on the phone.
Rosalie has two sons, one living in North Carolina and the other in Mount Kisco. Both are fine, and she is thankful that no one in her family has been affected by the virus. Rosalie has lived in New Rochelle since 1992. Previously she lived in Mt. Kisco, then Carmel, for 17 years. In Carmel she worked as a part time secretary so she could be home when her sons returned from school. She and the family moved to New Rochelle when her husband was working construction in Brooklyn and the commute from Carmel became too much.
Rosalie has macular degeneration, so she is no longer able to cook. She said she LOVES
Meals-on-Wheels, “the meals are very good -- my compliments to the chefs.” The Volunteers are very friendly, very nice and she enjoys talking to them. One volunteer (she can't remember her name) lives in the same complex and has offered to help her out when needed. She started to get MOW deliveries when her eyesight began to deteriorate and she is very thankful.
She has been watching a lot more TV since Covid 19 started. She can't read anymore, but occasionally listens to audio books. She talks on the phone a lot more to keep in touch with friends and family.
She hopes this is all over soon! She has a mask, but prefers to not venture out --
“it's a little scary”.
Interview via phone by Linda Andrews May, 2020