Meals-on-Wheels of New Rochelle is entirely independent and not affiliated with any other Meals-on-Wheels organizations, either local or national nor do we receive any funding from them. As such, we operate solely from funds that are raised locally, and are entirely dependent on donations from kind and caring individuals.
Please donate today! Consider joining our MOW Friendship Circle with a recurring monthly donation. And please remember to check if your employer will match your donation!
Donate to Meals-on-Wheels of New Rochelle
Drive change.
Donate a vehicle today.
Vehicle Donation Program Powered by CARS, Inc.
Click here to donate now:
Donate Your Car!
of New Rochelle
Call Now for a free pickup of your old or unwanted car.
Help home-bound seniors and get a 100% tax deduction.
1-(844) 411-5768