Thank You MOWNR Volunteers for all that you do!

Join our new MOWNR Monthly Friendship Circle! You can change a life by contributing monthly. See below or our Blog for more info.

Who We Are

Meals-on-Wheels of New Rochelle is an independent not-for-profit incorporated in 1983 to bring daily meals to homebound men and women in New Rochelle, New York. Hot nutritious meals are delivered seven days a week, including all holidays, by our corps of
dedicated volunteers. This program enables clients to remain at home in their own familiar surroundings - as long as they can safely
do so. Meals-on-Wheels also provides a link between the homebound and other community services and helps promote better health among those we serve.

Because these men and women depend on us -- we depend on your support.

Take Action

The issue

Even the most self sufficient among us may experience a decline in mobility or health which can limit independence and diminish the quality of our lives.
If it weren't for Meals-on-Wheels of New Rochelle, many of our elderly and homebound neighbors would not have a reliable daily source of nourishing hot meals.


Your ongoing support will help ensure that our homebound elderly New Rochelle neighbors receive nutritious meals 365 days a year. To join the MOWNR Monthly Friendship Circle: click the $ above; on our donate page, choose $10, $20, $30 or more then choose Recurring Donation then Process. Note the minimum for a recurring donation is $10 per month, you may suspend your donation at any time.

We operate primarily with funds that are raised locally and we depend on the kindness and generosity of the New Rochelle community, both individuals and businesses. Please consider DONATING TODAY - perhaps a gift in Memory or in Honor of someone very special. MOW will be happy to notify the person or family you specify.


 For more than 40 years, MOW of New Rochelle volunteers have delivered over 360,000 hot, nutritious meals to our homebound friends. Each daily delivery also provides social contact for our meal recipients. These daily check-ins have been life saving. To volunteer, call us at:
(914) 576-3865